Have the right conversations at the right time

A science based approach

We designed a curated and reliable survey based on scientific model, so you can use it off the  shelf.
See Teamperature's scientific model

Designed by leaders for leaders

We get it. We're leaders who have managed teams too. We’ve designed a digital solution that makes leadership easier. Our user-friendly platform streamlines cognitive load assessment (no more long prep, custom surveys, and maintenance!), freeing you for deep dives with your team to identify issues impacting team flow.
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From insights to relevant questions

Data is useful, but can be overwhelming, right? Our reports include targeted discussion prompts to guide your team meetings. This helps you get straight to the heart of your team’s challenges and concerns, leading to better decisions that boost focus and alignment. We believe leadership is easier when you know where to start.
See team cognitive load drivers

We’re here for the long run

As leaders, we know it’s not just about making decisions but understanding the impact over time. Our platform lets you conduct surveys regularly. This way, you can witness the ripple effect of your choices and feel confident making new ones. See how your team's focus and alignment evolve, providing valuable insights for even better leadership.
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Assess team cognitive load today

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