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SaaS Pricing



Key features:

  • Up to 10 teams
  • Unlimited assessments
  • Unlimited actions
  • Share report
Start free today


With a hard top of 5.000EUR/month for 50 teams

Beyond 50 teams, we charge you 5.000EUR/month regardless of the amount of teams.

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    All paid, plus:

    • Single Sign On
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    Enabling services Pricing


    15.000 EUR/year

    Key features:

    • Teams included: Unlimited
    • Learning units: 10/year
    • Enabling units: 10/year
    • Email support: ✅
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    50.000 EUR/year

    With a hard top of 5.000EUR/month for 50 teams

    • Teams included: Unlimited
    • Learning units: 50/year
    • Enabling units: 30/year
    • Email support: ✅
    • Slack connect support: ✅
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    Contact us

    All paid, plus:

    • Single Sign On
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    Enterprise support

    ✅ Custom Integrations
    ✅ Dedicated success manager
    ✅ API integration
    ✅ SSO
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    Do I need a credit card to start a free trial?

    No, you don’t need a credit card to start your free trial.

    Is it possible to see individual employee data?

    No, it is only possible to see aggregated data for more than 3 team members.

    What are learning units?

    These are 60 to 90 minutes live online interactive sessions for up to 15 participants. They will  learn what is team cognitive load, what are the main drivers, but more importantly how it might be impacting their performance and ability to deliver value to their customers more effectively.

    Participants will see real world examples from organizations that have leveraged the data insights on cognitive load drivers to make better decisions on org structures, team composition, work environment, prioritization, etc. They will also see common pitfalls and misunderstandings.

    Why are learning units necessary?

    In a fast-paced environment, teams tend to see tangible aspects of their work like the tooling available or the processes they must follow as the reasons why they can’t deliver faster and more reliably. But there are many hidden factors that contribute to high cognitive load in teams that most people are not familiar with. The end result is that improvement decisions are often addressing symptoms rather than root causes for underwhelming performance or missed goals.

    Learning units help teams quickly broaden their view on common obstacles to faster flow and equip them to reflect on what’s happening behind the scenes of their day-to-day work. They will become familiar themselves not just with the cognitive load survey and example reports but also with the science behind team cognitive load in a pragmatic and practical way.

    Learning units dramatically improve understanding and engagement of teams participating in cognitive load management initiatives.

    Who can participate in learning sessions?

    Anyone interested in learning more about Teamperature and cognitive load in teams and organizations. We recommend that, whenever possible, the whole team participates in the learning unit for increased shared understanding.

    What are enabling units?

    There are two types of enabling units: team facilitation and leadership facilitation. The goal of these units is to co-discover and diagnose what is happening (from a cognitive load perspective) at team and organizational (group of teams) levels, guided by our experts. They will help you make more impactful improvement decisions by combining your specific context and history with our learnings from dozens of other organizations.

    The enabling units can be guided sessions with a structured approach where our experts facilitate discussion and provide industry insights to broaden your options and understanding. But they can also be more open discussions where you’d like us to participate for validation and feedback. The typical duration of these sessions is between 60 and 120 minutes.

    It’s also possible to use the enabling units to help you prepare internal deliverables, for instance a business case for broader adoption of a team cognitive load management initiative or prioritizing improvement initiatives based on  multi-team assessment results. You are also welcome to suggest how we can further enable you.

    Why are enabling units necessary?

    Many organizations have become aware of the dramatic impact of excessive cognitive load in teams and want to dig deeper but lack the experience and industry insights to confidently decide on the next steps towards healthier teams with manageable cognitive load and increased engagement and productivity. These sessions provide a structured yet flexible approach to quickly increase the effectiveness of the team cognitive load assessments with Teamperature.

    Furthermore, it provides confidence for kickstarting and scaling internal adoption of team cognitive load management as a key approach for improved performance, while also increasing staff engagement and satisfaction levels.

    Do you have more questons?

    Book a demo