Teamperature Step by Step

Setup your profile
First things first, tell us a little about yourself and your company (name, industry, size).
This helps us tailor the platform experience just for you.
Let's get to know your team!
Give your team a name, tell us their size, and their time zone for a more accurate assessment.This helps us tailor the platform experience just for you.
Customize your assessment
Pick a date that works best for your team to start the assessment, and we'll make it work with their schedule. You can also add questions of interest to make the results even more insightful.
Data collection
When assessment day arrives, your team members receive an invitation email to answer the survey.
Get your analysis report
Once answers are in, we'll email you a report with a breakdown of your team's cognitive load drivers and tips to help you manage it.
Action time!
With the insights on high cognitive load areas and our handy prompts, you're ready to dive into important team topics and make decisions that lighten the load and improve flow.

Assess team cognitive load today

Start now
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